An image of a woman sitting at a table in a cafe. There is software coding on her laptop screen and a mobile phone on the table that she is reaching for as well as a coffee cup to the left of the laptop on the table. It's intended to show a developer working on coding an application as context for the article about the differences between native app development, web app development, and hybrid app development.

The Potential Benefits and Challenges for Nonprofits Building a Mobile App

In the contemporary digital age, technology for nonprofits is increasingly becoming a necessity rather than a luxury. Among the various technological advancements, mobile app development stands out as a potent tool for enhancing the social impact of nonprofits on their communities, increasing revenue through fundraising, and boosting engagement from both the community and donors. However, while the benefits of building a mobile app for nonprofits are significant, there are also notable challenges that organizations must consider. This article explores both the potential benefits and challenges of nonprofits allocating budget for building an app, with a special focus on how low-code and hybrid frameworks can mitigate some of the obstacles.

Benefits of Building a Mobile App for Nonprofits

Enhancing Social Impact on the Community

One of the primary benefits of developing a mobile app for nonprofits is the potential to significantly enhance their social impact. Mobile apps offer a direct and efficient means of communication and engagement with the community. They can provide real-time updates on ongoing projects, upcoming events, and urgent needs, thereby fostering a stronger connection with the community.

For instance, a nonprofit focused on environmental conservation can use an app to share information about local clean-up events, track pollution levels, and educate the community on sustainable practices. Similarly, an app for a healthcare nonprofit can offer health tips, appointment scheduling, and telemedicine services, making healthcare more accessible to underserved populations.

Increasing Revenue and Fundraising

Mobile apps can also play a crucial role in increasing revenue and fundraising for nonprofits. Nonprofits can leverage mobile apps to host virtual fundraising events, sell merchandise, and promote sponsorships. Push notifications can be used to remind donors of upcoming campaigns or to update them on the impact of their contributions, thereby fostering a sense of connection and encouraging further donations.

Boosting Engagement from the Community and Donors

Engagement is critical for the success of any nonprofit. Mobile apps offer a myriad of ways to increase engagement from both the community and donors. For example, apps can feature interactive content such as quizzes, surveys, and forums where users can share their experiences and opinions.

Gamification elements, such as rewards and badges for participation, can also enhance user engagement. Furthermore, apps can provide personalized content based on user preferences and behaviors, making the experience more relevant and engaging for each individual.

Challenges of Building a Mobile App for Nonprofits

High Development Costs

One of the significant challenges of building a mobile app for nonprofits is the high development costs. Traditional app development, especially for native apps using languages like Swift (for iOS) and Kotlin (for Android), can be prohibitively expensive. Cost can be a major barrier for small and medium-sized nonprofits with limited budgets.

Maintenance and Updates

Building the app is just the beginning. Regular maintenance and updates are necessary to ensure the app remains functional and secure. This ongoing requirement can strain the resources of nonprofits, particularly those without dedicated IT staff.

Complexity of App Store Approval Processes

Getting an app approved on platforms like the Apple App Store and Google Play Store can be a complex and time-consuming process. Both platforms have stringent guidelines and requirements that must be met, which can add to the development timeline and costs.

Potential for Low User Adoption

Despite the best efforts in development and promotion, there is always a risk that the app will not achieve the desired level of user adoption. Nonprofits need to invest in marketing and user education to ensure that their target audience is aware of and understands the benefits of the app.

Leveraging Technology to Mitigate Challenges

Utilizing Hybrid and Low-Code Solutions to Reduce Development Costs

There are a few choices for innovative hybrid and low-code development platforms (such as React Native, Flutter, and FlutterFlow) that can significantly reduce the costs and time associated with building a mobile app. Unlike traditional app development, which requires separate codebases for iOS and Android, these frameworks allow developers to create a single codebase that works across both platforms.

Speed and Cost Efficiency

According to various industry reports, developing an app with hybrid or low-code solutions can be 30% to 50% faster than using traditional native development languages like Swift and Kotlin. These frameworks enable developers to write code once and deploy it across multiple platforms, saving both time and resources. This approach minimizes the need for separate Trusted development partners for iOS and Android, thereby reducing costs associated with hiring and maintenance. Moreover, the speed of development is accelerated, allowing non-profits to reach their audience faster with a cohesive mobile experience that doesn’t compromise on performance or functionality.

Hybrid Versus Low-Code Frameworks

React Native and Flutter are both frameworks used for building cross-platform mobile applications. React Native allows developers to write code in JavaScript and utilize native components for rendering on both iOS and Android platforms. It uses a bridge to communicate between JavaScript and native code. Flutter, on the other hand, is developed by Google and uses the Dart programming language. It compiles to native code directly.FlutterFlow is a visual development platform built on top of Flutter, designed to simplify and accelerate the app development process. It allows developers and non-technical users to create applications through a drag-and-drop interface, reducing the need for extensive coding. This visual approach can significantly lower development time and costs, making it particularly appealing for startups and organizations with limited technical expertise. Additionally, FlutterFlow leverages the performance advantages of Flutter’s native code compilation, ensuring that applications built with it maintain high performance standards.

Regardless of which of these frameworks may best meet your nonprofit’s needs, they provide great cost and time efficiencies compared with traditional native app development.

Working With A Trusted Development Partner

An example of a mobile app with a positive impact on a community is Jackrabbit Mobile’s collaboration with halfHelen – a nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing vision and hearing screenings to children across Texas. Our team partnered with halfHelen to build a data management app called swiftScreen that reduced screening times and improved screening result management for nurses, school administrators, students, and parents alike. Using Flutter allowed us to reduce halfHelen’s development costs by 30-40% when compared to traditional native app development.

Expertise and Efficiency

Working with a trusted development partner will ensure that your nonprofit leverages the full potential of hybrid and low-code solutions. A trusted development partner will have the expertise to consult with you to design and develop an app that meets your specific needs and goals for your oganization and the community your organization serves. 

Cost and Time Savings

As mentioned earlier, hybrid and low-code solutions can reduce development costs significantly—by up to 50% compared to traditional native development languages like Swift and Kotlin. Trusted development partners are experienced in utilizing these cost-saving technologies, ensuring that your nonprofit gets the best value for its investment. This efficiency means faster development times, allowing your app to reach the market sooner and start making a positive impact more quickly.

Maintenance and Updates

Building an app is just the beginning. Regular maintenance and updates are crucial to keep the app functional and secure. A trusted development partner can manage these ongoing requirements, freeing your nonprofit from the burden of technical maintenance. This support ensures that the app remains up-to-date with the latest features and security protocols, providing a seamless experience for users.

App Store Navigation and Testing

Getting an app approved on platforms like the Apple App Store and Google Play Store can be complex and time-consuming. Trusted development partners are familiar with these processes and can navigate them efficiently, ensuring that your app meets all necessary guidelines and requirements. Additionally, Trusted development partners conduct thorough testing to identify and fix any issues before the app is launched, increasing the chances of a smooth approval process.

Maximizing Social Impact

A professionally developed app can significantly enhance your nonprofit’s social impact. By working with a trusted development partner, you ensure that your app is designed to maximize engagement from both the community and donors. Features such as personalized content and gamification elements can be expertly integrated to foster a stronger connection with users and encourage ongoing participation and support.

App Development for Nonprofits is Achievable and Effective

Mobile app development presents a valuable opportunity for nonprofits to enhance their social impact, increase funding, and boost engagement from their communities and donors. However, it is essential to weigh the potential benefits against the challenges, such as high development costs, maintenance requirements, and the complexity of app store approval processes.

By leveraging hybrid and low-code frameworks like React Native, Flutter, or FlutterFlow, nonprofits can mitigate some of these challenges and create cost-effective, high-performance mobile apps. Additionally, integrating donation and subscription features through the Apple App Store and Google Play Store can streamline the donation process and boost fundraising efforts.

In conclusion, working with a trusted development partner offers numerous advantages for nonprofits. From leveraging technical expertise to cost and time efficiency, professional guidance ensures that your app is not only effective but also impactful. By navigating app store submissions, managing maintenance, and maximizing engagement features, a trusted development partner can help your nonprofit create a powerful tool that enhances its mission and reaches its goals more effectively. Investing in a professional trusted development partner is a strategic move that can yield significant long-term benefits for your organization and the community it serves.

Ready to transform your app development experience? Get in touch with us today and discover the endless possibilities of app development for nonprofits with development team support. Let’s build something amazing together.

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We deliver value to partners through mobile strategy expertise, user-centered design, and lean methodology. Take a look around our work portfolio and drop us a line, we’d love to chat.