This image shows the Clutch logo which is the word Clutch in a navy blue sans serif font with an orange circle in the center of the second letter C.

iRep Agency Awards Jackrabbit Mobile 5-Star Clutch Review for Web App Design and Development

Jackrabbit Mobile recently received another 5-star review on! Clutch is a third party B2B ratings and reviews platform where we collect feedback about our services and build our reputation as an experienced and trustworthy development partner, for our work designing and developing an influencer representation web app from scratch. You can read the full review here.

A Positive Outcome with Jackrabbit App Development

The client had many positive things to say about their experience with us!

“They stuck to their word and original quote, even in the face of unexpected complexities they persevered, communicated the challenges, and ultimately delivered a stellar application on budget. Super happy with JackRabbit and would recommend them to any entrepreneur. Very professional and honest.” – Adam Smith, Manager of iRep Agency

Success for Our Clients Means Success for Us

As a services company, we feel that we are successful when our clients are successful. We are so grateful for the glowing review and so proud to have created and launched such a successful product with this client.

Check Out the Jackrabbit Project Portfolio

In addition to client reviews on Clutch, we also have a public work portfolio where you can see case studies on our current and previous clients such as Heart Rate Social, Swift Screen, and Recipeasy and more.

With the demand for software development continuing to rise, we’re happy to partner with Clutch to provide a transparent look into our project processes and client relationships ensuring that businesses across the globe can be confident in working with us.

Develop Your Next Project with Jackrabbit Mobile

Interested in making your own app idea a reality? Please reach out and one of our specialists will create a custom quote after talking with you to learn more about your project!

Let’s Make Your Idea Reality

We deliver value to partners through mobile strategy expertise, user-centered design, and lean methodology. Take a look around our work portfolio and drop us a line, we’d love to chat.