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Jackrabbit Mobile Receives 5-Star Clutch Review from Sports Business Journal

Jackrabbit Mobile recently received another 5-star review on for our work revamping the Sports Business Journal mobile app. You can read the full review here. Clutch is a third-party B2B ratings and reviews platform where we collect feedback about our services and build our reputation as an experienced and trustworthy development partner.

Successful User Experience Upgrade

The client and their subscribers had positive things to say about the user experience enhancements Jackrabbit Mobile implemented in partnership with Sports Business Journal.

Jackrabbit was timely in their communication, project management, and execution of work.

– Department Director, Sports Business Journal

“The latest app makes a huge difference for navigating SBJ’s content. It’s much cleaner and loads faster.”

-SBJ Mobile App User

We are pleased that our collaboration with Sports Business Journal resulted in a greatly improved user experience for their subscribers, and that our successful working relationship merited a 5-star review on the Clutch platform.

Check Out the Jackrabbit Project Portfolio

In addition to client reviews on Clutch, we also have a public work portfolio where you can see case studies on our current and previous clients such as Swift Screen, RetireMax, Belong Gaming, and more.

As the demand for mobile app development surges, we’re excited to collaborate with Clutch to offer a clear view of our project workflows and client interactions. This transparency ensures businesses worldwide can trust our expertise in mobile app development and feel confident partnering with us.

Develop Your Next Project with Jackrabbit Mobile

Interested in making your own app idea a reality? Please reach out and one of our specialists will create a custom quote after talking with you to learn more about your project!

Let’s Make Your Idea Reality

We deliver value to partners through mobile strategy expertise, user-centered design, and lean methodology. Take a look around our work portfolio and drop us a line, we’d love to chat.