ios phone screen with app

Mobile App Design – iOS vs Android

A reference guide – UI and UX on iOS vs Android

At Jackrabbit, we design and develop for both iOS and Android, and a big part of making smart design decisions is knowing what users are expecting on both iOS and Android platforms.

We put a lot into design strategy and design thinking, and it is important that we stay up to date with user expectations. Below are a few of our most often used resources:

Look here:

iOS Human Interface Guidelines and the Android Design Guidelines.

– Testing and staying familiar with new devices and operating system updates.


– Testing and experimenting with iOS & Android apps.

Around the office, it’s common that we have two devices out, comparing iOS and Android features on the same app – so we decided to put together a visual reference doc that we can refer to quickly and use as a visual guide for client discussions. We’re sharing that guide with you here – hopefully you get some use out of it as well.

What’s below:

– Facebook (Main)

– Facebook (Dropdown)

– Facebook (Search)

– Gmail (Main)

– Twitter (Main)

– Spotify (Main)

– Spotify (Edit)

– Spotify (Share)

– Swarm (Home)

– Swarm (Pop Up)

– Dropbox (Dropdown)

– Dropbox (Main)

– Instagram (Main)

– Instagram (Edit Profile)

– Airbnb (Details View)

– Airbnb (Nav Drawer)

– Feedly (Dropdown)

– App store + Play Store

– iOS + Android (Push notifications)






Let’s Make Your Idea Reality

We deliver value to partners through mobile strategy expertise, user-centered design, and lean methodology. Take a look around our work portfolio and drop us a line, we’d love to chat.