Top Tips to Stay Current in Tech
Understanding emerging tech trends is a must for any entrepreneur who hopes to thrive in the digital era. In a forecast by Statista, experts estimate that the world’s businesses will be spending around $2.3 trillion on digitally transforming their operations in 2023. Industry 4.0 is indeed at our doors. And if you don’t want to get swept away by the wave of emerging technologies, here are some top tips for staying on top of the saturated tech news cycle.
Stay Mobile
From retail and marketing to internal operations and data analytics, there’s an app for virtually every business need that can be served by mobile technology. Mobile app development cuts across the biggest industries, fields, and players in Industry 4.0. This includes finance, big data, IT security, artificial intelligence (AI), marketing, manufacturing, education, healthcare, and many others. Your ability to deploy a well-functioning app on Apple’s App Store and/or Google’s Play Store will determine your ability to leverage mobile trends to your advantage. By staying mobile-savvy, you can more easily establish your niche in your industry.
Observe How Universities Respond to Tech Trends
Higher education is big business. Both brick-and-mortar as well as online universities have a lot to teach about staying current and competitive today. Observing their initiatives means observing how America’s most educated tech-inclined minds are responding to marketing and technical trends. Northeastern University’s DATA initiative for instance was launched in partnership with contractor firm Suffolk. DATA means digital, analytics, technology, and automation – the primary points of focus for this collaboration between the faculty and Suffolk’s R&D team. Apart from grooming new student tech talents, DATA aims to forward data analytics research while developing business applications for real-world scenarios in the construction industry.
Meanwhile, the University of Connecticut’s Synchrony Cybersecurity Center is an initiative that was launched in partnership with financial services firm Synchrony. It’s aimed at providing a direct talent pipeline for emerging computer science experts to work in highly competitive fields. Likewise, the same is true for the Virtual Lab at Maryville University, which has been recognized by industry giant Apple for mobile innovation. The Lab has prepared students for remote working by letting them complete complex and comprehensive training modules on virtually any mobile device. This includes the IT analytics, digital forensics, and mobile ethical hacking classes under Maryville University’s online cybersecurity degree program. Furthermore, the long-standing online university also offers its cybersecurity services pro bono to local firms as part of students’ practicum. Observing how top tech universities are responding to global digital transformation can help you narrow down the trends that matter to your industry the most.
Keep Cybersecurity a Top-of-Mind Concern
It’s no surprise that both top companies and universities are focused on cybersecurity. Digital security is a factor that no modern business can afford to ignore. In a feature on the growth of tech careers by The Balance, the market for information security analysts is expected to grow 28% by 2026. This is the highest expected long-term growth for any in-demand tech job in the next half-decade. For instance, the expected growth for database administrators is just 11%, while software developers can look forward to a 24% growth. Meanwhile, it’s just 9% for computer systems analysts who can pave the way for automation.
These numbers underscore one vital fact. In the digital era, whatever product or service you offer, your ability to scale at a global level is only as good as your cybersecurity strategy. One of the latest ways in which security experts are fighting back is by exploiting bugs in malware code. The new MalVuln website which documents these bugs is dedicated to this new ethical hacking strategy. Staying current in tech means keeping news like this at the top of your feed. The better you can navigate the cybersecurity landscape, the more efficiently you can scale your business.
The global tech industry is an ever-evolving world. But with these top tips in mind, you can grow your business into a top player in the global tech game.
Content intended only for the use of jackrabbitmobile.com
By Rafi Jaine
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Now that you know a few tips to stay current in tech, you can begin your search and prepare for updating or creating your app. We specialize in custom development services for companies from various industries. Connect with us and request a free quote. Tell us more about your business and let’s take the first step to make that perfect website.