Project: Swift Screen By Half Helen
Cutting Edge & Accessible Visual & Hearing Tests for Children

Born deaf in one ear and blind in one eye, Chelsea Elliot took on the moniker ‘half Helen’ after learning about the life and achievements of Helen Keller in the fourth grade. Although diagnosed at a young age through her school’s screening programs, her symptoms weren’t caught early enough to save any part of her vision or hearing. This childhood experience inspired Chelsea to found half Helen, a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing the most effective and efficient preventive vision and hearing screenings to children in Hawaii and Texas, with the eventual goal of serving the entire nation. While the organization was already using the advanced SPOT camera and audiometers for their testing, Chelsea was looking for a way to increase the efficiency and accuracy of the screening results to save screeners valuable time logging results and making them available to parents of the students.
- UX/UI Design
- Hybrid Development (Google Flutter for Android and iOS)
- Mobile Design
- Mobile Development
- User Experience
- User Interface Design
- Web Application
- Web Design
- Web Development

The solution? A data management app that improved screening times and screening result management for a more efficient process for nurses and students/parents alike.
Chelsea came to us with a vision for a mobile app called swift Screen that would enable screeners to more quickly and efficiently conduct screenings and collect data on site. The screening team had already been using the SPOT VS camera that takes 23 measurements of the eye within seconds and is able to identify six of the most common vision impairments in infants as young as six months old, so it was natural that their data management and reporting system was equally as advanced. With Chelsea and the half Helen team’s wealth of knowledge in these processes and procedures after conducting over 45,000 screenings for students in Hawaii and Texas; we were able to develop both an Android and iOS application (powered by Google Flutter) that cut screening times by 56% and sends clear results, instructions, and referrals to parents as needed. With a straightforward and clean UI design, we were able to use hybrid development via Google Flutter to develop both an iOS and Android application with a single code base saving our client between 30-40% on development costs.
swift Screen is intended to be used by two parties – school administrators and screeners.
After logging in with a secure username and password, school administrators can upload a master list of students to be screened as well as export results to be imported into their student information system (SIS). Screeners can enter data as they conduct the vision and hearing tests, as well as view and share results via print or email with parents, including referrals if necessary. By streamlining the testing process and managing the data efficiently, swift Screen ensures that screeners can see as many students as possible, and parents and students receive results immediately, allowing them to take any necessary next steps as quickly as possible.
The complete set of features includes:
- Secure Screener & School Administrator logins
- The ability to import student lists or add new students on site
- Automated data collection on site during testing with Spot VS integration
- Individual student reports
- At a glance trend reports for grade levels and age groups
- School Administrator web dashboard for viewing school-wide results
- Secure communication of screening information and test results with parents directly through the web app
- Prepared data available to School Administrators for required health department reporting

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